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Вакансии в турфирмах

Lighting spectacles light up Berlin in October


The “Festival of Lights” and the “Lichterfest” transform Berlin into a sparkling world of experience

Berlin, 29 September 2014 Two lighting spectacles, the “Lichterfest” and the “Festival of Lights”, will offer visitors the opportunity to discover the city in a whole new light. Artists and lighting designers are creating spectacular illuminations on the city’s facades, bridges and other landmarks and create remarkable sights.

The “Lichterfest” will take place from 2 until 19 October. The focus will be on 70 landmarks in the districts Berlin Mitte and City West. “World stage Berlin” is the motto under which the organizers are planning to present the city as a big, urban and dynamic stage. For example, the show at Gendarmenmarkt will offer a journey through the rich history of both, the square and the surrounding city. In addition, there will be light shows projected from boats onto facades along the Rivers Spree and Havel. DomAquarée will feature a light show all about the element of water. In City West, buildings including Neues Kranzler Eck, the Waldorf-Astoria, Bikini Berlin and the Europa Center will serve as sceneries for creative lighting effects. Detailed information can be found at berlin-leuchtet.com.

For the tenth time the “Festival of Lights” will take place and is going to illuminate the city for ten nights from 10 until 19 October. The “open house night” on 11 October will give visitors the opportunity to discover places and buildings outside normal opening times immersed in a new light. After last year’s successful première of the “Lumissimo” concert at the Berlin Cathedral, it will take place once again on 10 and 11 October. For the first time a modern laser harp and the great Sauer organ of the Cathedral will play together in the performance of the “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s 9th symphony. Information about the “Festival of Lights” can be found at festival-of-lights.de.

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